New years resolution: Stop smoking! Do you resolve to quit smoking as your new year's resolution? If you want to stop smoking for the new year, here are a few tips to make sure you succeed in your plans to quit smoking for life!
New Year Resolution Stop Smoking Tip #1: Mark the date on the calendar to quit smoking!
While you may be inclined to wait until the actual New Year starts to stop smoking, you don't necessarily have to. Whether or not you choose to smoke all the way to New Years, make a huge note on your calendar so that you get a constant reminder of your commitment to quit smoking.
New Year Resolution Stop Smoking Tip #2: Clean house.
Start getting rid of the majority of your ashtrays and smoking paraphernalia as you prepare to stop smoking will help you engage in the 'bring the body and mind will follow' mentality. Taking physical steps to free yourself from nicotine addiction and stop smoking for the New Year is a great way to take control.
New Year Resolution Stop Smoking Tip #3: Tell everybody!
Tell everybody in your life that you plan on quitting smoking as your new year's resolution. This will help to make sure you follow through, as there is a natural human desire to 'save face.'
New Year Resolution Stop Smoking Tip #4: Track your smoking.
Pay close attention to your personal smoking triggers throughout the day. Understanding the most intricate details of your smoking habits and triggering emotions or activities will be vital in your fight to stop smoking.
New Year Resolution Stop Smoking Tip #5: Keep a journal.
Brainstorming and creating a plan of action for anything in life is well worth the investigation of your time, and a stop smoking new year's resolution is no different. As you are analyzing your smoking habits, think about healthy alternatives for you once you are no longer smoking. You may become inspired throughout the day, so you might find it beneficial to keep a small pad with you where ever you go.
Side Tip: In addition to tracking your behaviors, also make a list in your journal of the reasons why you want your new years resolution to be: Stop smoking.
New Year Resolution Stop Smoking Tip #6: Create a budget without the cost of cigarettes.
You know roughly about how much you spend on cigarettes each week or month. Figure up a budget without considering the cost of your smoking habit and get a visual look at the amount of money you will save.
New Year Resolution Stop Smoking Tip #7: Find support.
Whether you find support online, in a local congregation, or among friends or family the strength of your support system will play a large role in your successfully stopping smoking. Start doing the research now so when the time comes for you to quit smoking you've got a ton of back up in your corner.
If your new years resolution is to stop smoking, you can achieve your goals! Two of your best tools against your battle with tobacco addiction are: Knowledge and willingness. If you stay willing to surround yourself with support to help you not smoke one day at a time and acquire as much knowledge as possible to learn how to stop smoking, you can make your new years resolution to stop smoking permanent.
(ArticlesBase SC #3796985)
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Quit Cigarette Smoking~New Years Resolution 2011: Stop Smoking in New Year| 7 Tips to Make New Year's Resolution to Stop Smoking Permanent
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