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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Quit Cigarette Smoking~Things to Know: Quitting Smoking

Quit Cigarette Smoking : Dr. Richard H. Carmona, who was surgeon general of the United States from 2002 to 2006, is a distinguished professor at the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health at the University of Arizona and president of the nonprofit Canyon Ranch Institute in Tucson. His advice to smokers: “Stop now. It will improve the quality and quantity of your life, no question.” He says that smokers should know these five things about Quit Cigarette Smoking.

a.Few people kick cigarettes on the first try. As many as four relapses are common during the first year. Too often people think one or more failed attempts mean they are incapable of Quit Cigarette Smoking. Not so. If you keep falling down, it means you need to try a different approach.

b. It’s never too late. No matter how long you have smoked, you will benefit from Quit Cigarette Smoking. The health benefits start immediately as your body begins to recover from the continual assault of noxious chemicals in tobacco smoke.

The earlier you Quit Cigarette Smoking, the less likely you are to get cancer or other smoking-related ills. If you Quit Cigarette Smoking before age 53, your disease risk 10 years later would be the same as those of someone who never smoked. But even people who Quit Cigarette Smoking in their 60s and 70s have a lower disease risk. If you have a smoking-related illness already, your condition can improve, or at least not worsen, if you Quit Cigarette Smoking.

c. Cutting down doesn’t cut it. It can help as a way to prime yourself for quitting, but only if you intend go all the way. In the long run, smoking less often or smoking “light” cigarettes is not safe. For most people, cutting down is not sustainable. If you don’t break the addiction, you are likely to slip back into smoking as much as — or even more than — you did before.

d. Get help. There are many stop-smoking aids available, including nicotine patches and gums, prescription medicines and counseling. There is strong evidence these things really do help. Try one, or try them all together, to ease the transition and improve your chances of Quit Cigarette Smoking.

e. America’s smoking days are over. It’s only going to become more difficult to be a smoker anywhere in the United States. Smoking bans are taking effect in more places nationwide, and this trend is unlikely to stall or reverse. As the smoking population dwindles and as people are less willing to be exposed to tobacco smoke, cigarettes have become less socially acceptable. Increasingly, smokers are strangers in a smoke-free land.

Quit Cigarette Smoking~Things to Know: Quitting Smoking

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