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Friday, January 30, 2009

Quit Cigarette Smoking~How to Enjoy Quitting Smoking?

Quit Cigarette Smoking~How to Enjoy Quitting Smoking?

Consider this:

Already since 1972, over 80million people in the USA alone have successfully quit smoking!

At one stage over 60% of the adult population was addicted to this drug. Today it is 28% and dropping........

Now, here's a thought......

If all these people can do it (80 MILLION OF THEM!) - and they include EVERY TYPE of person imaginable - surely that is PROOF that IT IS POSSIBLE to successfully give up smoking.

Here's another Fact......

We now know from the latest scientific research, that although nicotine is one of the world's fastest acting drugs --- the actual PHYSICAL withdrawal pangs when you give up ARE SO MILD, YOU WILL HARDLY NOTICE THEM WHEN YOU STOP.

YES, you have read that sentence right!

I know you will want to argue with me on this point, but, first, let me first make the following points.......

The Desire to Smoke

Yes, when you stop smoking you will feel the desire AGAIN and AGAIN to smoke.

We all know that feeling -- 'I must have a cigarette'. But that desire in itself is not bad or painful.

It is just a feeling, a sensation we feel in our body.

However........this is where, for most of us our problems start.....

If we start to fear that 'craving' or try to use 'Willpower' to REPRESS it or FORCE it go away, -- "I wish this feeling would go away" we WILL create pain and tension.

This is what as smokers we have all done in the past.

That 'feeling' of wanting to smoke then becomes painful, annoying and terribly irritating.

Now this is the hard part to realize.......

The pain, the horror does not come from the desire to smoke, but from HOW we deal with this desire, moment-by-moment WHEN we stop.

Can I emphasize this:

You do not have to experience ANY pain or agony when you stop. Yes, when you stop you WILL experience a ...........

  • Temporary feeling of loss

  • A feeling that you are being deprived of something

  • A feeling of emptiness

  • A feeling that you will never be able to enjoy yourself again.

  • A feeling that you must have a cigarette

These feelings, although very real in themselves are not inherently bad or painful. What is important is how you deal with these feelings when you stop.

The key part of giving up smoking naturally is learning how to deal with these cravings when you stop.


Right now, you don't want to give up smoking because you are TERRIFIED of how you will FEEL when you can't smoke.

Let's be honest.You smoke now because you enjoy it.

Or -- to be more accurate: You smoke now because you have conditioned yourself to enjoy it.

It is important that we are honest with ourselves here. In fact, even the 'THOUGHT', the mere 'thought' of not been able to smoke probably fills you with utter dread now.

But there is another undeniable fact: This 'pleasure' is killing you. Again we must be brutally honest here. Everyday, you are systemically destroying your health.

This is the conflict all smokers face.

On the one hand, smoking is killing you and you desperately want to stop.....

..And yet on the other hand, you don't really want to stop because you believe you really enjoy it.

Yet, one other truth cannot be denied and this applies to every smoker........

We are terrified of how we will F-E-E-L when we can't smoke. We are convinced it will be unbearable and impossible.


Right now, the ONLY thing -- yes, THE ONLY THING stopping you from giving up smoking is this fear of how YOU WILL FEEL WHEN YOU STOP.

And yet this very fear is the actual key to giving up smoking naturally.

Giving up smoking is really all about learning HOW to deal with the cravings and feelings you WILL get when you stop.

When you learn how to do that - you will realize that there is nothing to fear when you give up.

What is there to fear ?

When you get the craving to smoke, which you will, again and again - - you will now take the OPPORTUNITY to 'change' or 'transform' that craving so that it is actually enjoyable or at least tolerable to experience.


You have decided to give up smoking. It's dinnertime.

You have finished a day's work.....

You finish your meal and ..... subconsciously, you reach for a cigarette.
But then, of course you remember you no longer smoke.

Bang! At that moment, certain gut feelings will arise.

Feelings of regret........a feeling that you are missing out on something important and then maybe..... terrible feelings of emptiness.....
We all know how it feels.

But the real question is: How will you deal with this feeling -- this craving to smoke?

Will you just suffer it, try to repress it and hope that it will go away?
That is one option. The old willpower method.

Or will you give in to the feeling -- and start to smoke again (promising to start again tomorrow)?

Or will you - - for the first time ever: - - follow our instructions and actually ALLOW yourself to transform the feeling/craving so that it is actually enjoyable or at least pleasant or tolerable enough to experience.

You see, when you can do that, you will no longer be AFRAID of these cravings when you stop smoking.

In fact, you will start to WELCOME them because they will give you another opportunity to RESPOND and DEAL with them in this NEW WAY.

This process is the essence of giving up smoking naturally and finding it a pleasant and life-affirming experience.


Are you now beginning to see how these principles can also apply to losing weight.

You see a beautiful cake. You want to eat it....when BANG! -- You remember you are on a diet.

Now watch HOW YOU feel when this happens?

Couldn't we describe it as ....

'Feelings of regret........a feeling that you are missing out on something important and then maybe..... terrible feelings of emptiness.....

Isn't it essentially the same feeling as not being able to smoke?

However, the real question is the same with smoking: How will you DEAL with this feeling -- this craving to eat?

Will you GIVE IN to it -- and eat the cake or will you try and FORCE yourself not to eat it- and be miserable?

Why not consider our alternative?

Accept this feeling, this desire to eat. But, instead of giving in to it, learn how to deal and respond to it in a NEW way so that you don't MIND experiencing it?

Transform the craving so that it is actually enjoyable or very pleasant to experience.

The Joy of Giving up Smoking?

Remember, when you stop - yes, you WILL feel something but there will be no physical agony, only a temporary feeling that you are MISSING OUT on something.

A feeling that you are being deprived of something SPECIAL --- but these feelings will ONLY be temporary.

However, to quit smoking successfully and to start to enjoy doing it we must go deeper than these temporary cravings.

We must realize that : You find it difficult or impossible to stop smoking now because......... you BELIEVE ABSOLUTELY that you NEED to smoke and even deeper, you BELIEVE that if you give up smoking now, your life will never be as ENJOYABLE again.

In one sentence: You believe your life will be intolerable.

It is these beliefs that makes giving up smoking difficult NOT Nicotine addiction.

Right now, you are not only physically addicted to smoking but you are psychologically dependent or addicted to smoking.

If your addiction were purely physical wouldn't all these nicotine patches have a 100% success record ?

Yet, we all know that even if we use a nicotine substitute, we will still continue to feel a terrible desire to smoke.

Again and again, we'll feel we must have a cigarette. At times, it will even get to the stage where we just don't care - even the most dire health warnings will have no affect on us - we just WANT to smoke.

Where does this desire come from ?

It comes from our conditioning, our beliefs about smoking.

This moment, we believe that smoking is an essential pleasure.
In fact, most of us have a terrible resistance to EVEN thinking about giving up smoking.

Why ?

Because we believe that in order to do anything about our addiction, i.e. give up smoking -- we would have to end our pleasure and ending pleasure is something we have NO DESIRE to do.


Your real job in giving up smoking lies in REALLY UNDERSTANDING that you don't NEED to smoke.

You remove the psychological addiction to smoking.

You will never be truly free until you realize that smoking is not a real pleasure and that when you stop, you WILL NOT BE depriving ourselves of a real pleasure....... ......and then you will not only be able to give up smoking for good but you will enjoy doing it!

To quit smoking naturally and to learn how to enjoy it - go to our free 10 day online course at

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Quit Cigarette Smoking~How to Enjoy Quitting Smoking?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Quit Cigarette Smoking~How to Help a Friend Quit Smoking

Quit Cigarette Smoking~How to Help a Friend Quit Smoking

Smoking is the number one preventable cause of death in the U.S. Smoking causes lung cancer, heart attacks, emphysema, and stroke. People who smoke have much shorter life expectancies than people who don’t.

How do you help a friend or family member quit smoking? It isn’t easy. Smoking is a difficult habit to break. Smoking is an addiction with physiological and psychological components.

Nevertheless, there are things you can do to help someone quit smoking. In my talk I will explain how to present a smoker with information on the health consequences of smoking, how to develop a Quit Smoking Plan, and how to persuade a smoker to follow such a plan.

I realize that by talking about the health affects of smoking I run the risk of depressing the whole audience. I promise to move quickly to the more practical question of how to quit.

The health consequences of smoking are well documented. Two places to find such information are the Mayo Clinic website and the American Lung Association website.

Smoking is responsible for nearly one in five deaths in the United States. Almost half a million people die every year from the consequences of smoking.

On average, smokers die 13 to 14 years sooner than nonsmokers do.

Lung cancer is the No.1 cause of cancer death in the United States.

Almost 90,000 Americans die each year of coronary heart disease caused by smoking. Smokers have triple the risk of coronary heart disease that nonsmokers have.

Smoking raises your blood pressure, cholesterol level and your risk of blood clots. A smoker is two to six times more likely to have a heart attack, and the more you smoke, the higher your risk.

Depending on how well you know a smoker, you could simply mention these websites or print out and discuss the information with the smoker.

After reviewing the health affects of smoking, the next step in quitting smoking is the Quit Smoking Plan.

A quit smoking plan is a detailed list of steps that someone should take to quit smoking. It is usually not realistic for someone to just wake up one day and quit smoking. A certain amount of planning and preparation is needed.

A quit smoking plan should mention some of the health and other reasons that provide the motivation for a smoker to quit.

A quit smoking plan should set a quit date, which is a date sometime in the near future, when the smoker will plan to stop smoking. This gives a smoker time to prepare to kick the habit.

The bulk of the quit smoking plan contains a series of actions the smoker needs to take to get ready to quit. Such actions include joining a local smoking cessation class, identifying a group of people who can provide support when the smoker quits, and reviewing the quit smoking literature available on the ALA website. This website contains a detailed seven module program called Freedom from Smoking which describes how to quit smoking.

A smoker can also join a gym or get a treadmill, because exercise is helpful for someone giving up smoking. In addition, smokers can consult a doctor or pharmacist about nicotine patches and gum and become familiar with smokeless cigarettes as an alternative to smoking.

Other possibilities include starting deep breathing yoga exercises, using relaxation CDs, or squeezing a physical therapy ball to relieve tension. A quit smoking plan needs to be tailored a bit for each individual.

A Quit Smoking Plan is fairly easy to prepare. The hard part is getting a smoker to follow the plan.

There is no guaranteed way to get a smoker to follow a quit smoking plan. However there are some things you can try.
To get the smoker’s attention you might try sending the smoker some of the anti smoking merchandise available for sale on the ALA web site. There you can order T shirts and other items with slogans urging people not to smoke.

You may be able to convince the smoker to prepare a quit smoking plan. If not, you can prepare one yourself and give it to the smoker. You can also talk about the plan with the smoker and explain the importance of each step of the plan.

Repetition is a useful tool of persuasion, so remind the smoker as often as possible of the quit smoking day and the need to prepare for it.

Explain to the smoker that the withdrawal symptoms are worst in the first 7 to 10 days after quitting. This may enable the smoker to get through the first few days.

Spending some money on the effort may also help. For example, if the smoker cannot afford a quit smoking class or an exercise program, you could pay for it yourself. This will show that you take the issue seriously, and they should too.

Preaching to or nagging the smoker not to smoke is probably not that helpful. Part of what you do will depend on the smoker’s attitude. The smoker may have no interest in quitting and rebuff your efforts entirely. Or, he or she might have some interest in giving up smoking, but may be unwilling to follow every step of the quit smoking plan. In some cases a smoker might need just a little nudge to quit smoking.

Another possibility is that after the quit smoking date the smoker succeeds in cutting down on smoking but does not quit entirely. In this case you need to praise the smoker’s effort to quit but also remind the smoker that it is necessary to quit completely. Review the reasons to quit with the smoker – often health benefits alone are not enough to persuade a smoker to quit. Also review the parts of the quit smoking plan that were not followed and try to get the smoker to follow those parts of the plan as well.

You are doing a friend a big favor by trying to help him or her quit smoking.

To be successful, you need the right tools. Consult relevant websites for information on the health affects of smoking. Prepare a detailed quit smoking plan. Convince the smoker to follow the plan.

46 million Americans who once smoked have successfully quit. It isn’t easy, but the health benefits are considerable.

You may feel bad if your friend does not quit. The best thing to do in that case is to say “good try.” Quitting smoking often takes several attempts, and each attempt is a step forward.

If you have a friend or family member who smokes, try helping them to quit. Stick with it. If you are not successful on the first attempt, remember the old adage, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”

Article Source:

Quit Cigarette Smoking~How to Help a Friend Quit Smoking

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Quit Cigarette Smoking~Passive Smoking Of Cigarettes And Its Effect On The Health Of Loved Ones You

Quit Cigarette Smoking~Passive Smoking Of Cigarettes And Its Effect On The Health Of Loved Ones You

Although most people know that smoking is dangerous, many smokers cannot seem to quit. They defend their habit by saying that they are only affecting themselves if they smoke. However, smoking also has an effect on the health of those who don't smoke. Family, children, friends, co-workers, and even bystanders may suffer health effects from passive smoking.

What is passive smoking? You probably are familiar with the term "secondhand smoke" to describe the smoke inhaled by someone within close proximity to a smoker. Secondhand smoke is a combination of smoke from a burning cigarette, pipe, or cigar, and the smoke exhaled by a smoker. It often contains greater amounts of harmful chemicals than inhaled smoke, for instance, double the amount of tar and nicotine. This puts passive smokers at a higher risk of smoking related diseases and health issues.

Studies of the effects of passive smoking on health show increased risks for heart disease, lung disease, and various illnesses for people constantly exposed to secondhand smoke. Statistics on smoker and acquiescent smoker appearance a articulation amid secondhand smoke and cancer, with bodies apparent to secondhand smoke accepting an added accident of lung blight and affection disease. Sadly, it is not aberrant for the nonsmoking apron or adolescent of a smoker to advance illnesses accompanying to smoker because of abiding secondhand smoke inhalation.

Secondhand smoke is especially damaging to infants and children. Young children exposed to secondhand smoke are at a higher risk of respiratory infections and other respiratory health problems. Children who have asthma are at a higher risk of having more frequent attacks. Passive smoking is also responsible for raising a pregnant woman's risk of having a low birth weight baby or a miscarriage.

Due to the negative health effects of secondhand smoke, smoking has been outlawed in many public areas, such as restaurants and bars. Secondhand smoke can also be an issue in the workplace. Workers who inhale secondhand smoke have an increased risk of illness and even miss more days of work. This has led many offices to ban smoking on the premises, and some areas have even passed legislation against smoking at work. Among workplaces with a ban on smoking, employers report more productive employees and fewer absences from work.

Typically, most smokers begin searching for ways to quit smoking out of concern for their family's health. There are several ways to stop smoking, and one of the easiest ways is through the use of a quit smoking hypnosis program. Hypnosis programs for quitting smoking are designed specifically to help smokers stop smoking without going through withdrawal. They are particularly useful because they help smokers fight the mental aspect of the addiction, which is the most difficult aspect to overcome.

Self-hypnotherapy programs for quitting smoking are designed to teach people hypnosis techniques to help quit smoking. One of the best things about such a affairs is the actuality that smokers apprentice how to stop smoker after accepting withdrawal. In fact, analgesic techniques can abate or alike absolutely annihilate abandonment affection associated with abandonment smoking. Another acceptable affair is that back bodies are instructed on how to use anesthetic techniques on themselves, they do not accept to anguish about accepting a relapse. If they feel the appetite to smoke, they aloof bethink and use the techniques that accustomed them to quit.

Hypnosis produces many effects to help people quit smoking. It is a powerful tool for ending smoking cravings while also acting as a relaxation tool to relieve anxiety and stress. It also acts as a motivational tool to eliminate the psychological urge to smoke. This combination of effects gives hypnosis its effectiveness in helping people to quit smoking for good.

Some of the benefits of quitting smoking include improved health for the quitting smoker as well as for friends, co-workers, and family. Those who want to stop smoking out of concern for their loved ones can turn to hypnotherapy for a safe and non-invasive tool for ending a smoking habit. Anyone can learn hypnotic techniques for quitting from a good hypnosis program, and hypnotherapy has a high rate of success because it makes quitting smoking easier and faster.

Article Source:

Quit Cigarette Smoking~Passive Smoking Of Cigarettes And Its Effect On The Health Of Loved Ones You

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Quit Cigarette Smoking~Smoking Onboard – a Burning Issue

Quit Cigarette Smoking~Smoking Onboard – a Burning Issue

One affair that causes abundant agitation is smoking. Like marmite you either adulation it or abhorrence it. As you are aware, the UK government alien a new action beforehand this year apropos smoker in accessible places, i.e. you can’t. So what aftereffect has this had on the cruise industry? Like best things in life, it varies. On some cruise curve smoker is acceptable in staterooms/cabins, in others it isn’t. To advice you out, here’s our absolute adviser to accepted smoker behavior on the above cruise lines.


Simply put, you can get your fix onboard Azamara’s ships in the aft section of the Looking Glass Lounge on the port side and on the starboard forward section of the Pool Deck. Otherwise, no smoking anywhere else.


Smokers can delight in the fact that smoking is permitted on one side of the ship in bars, lounges and open decks, as well as in cabins (including balconies). Remember though, restaurants, theatres and the indoor aft pool (on ships that serve food there) are non-smoking.

Celebrity Cruises

Whilst you won’t be able to light up in your staterooms from January 2008, you will be allowed to smoke on the veranda/balcony if your stateroom has one. As for public areas, smoking is not allowed in hallways, corridors, restaurants, or entertainment venues and one bar or lounge per ship will be non-smoking only. You won’t be banished outside altogether though as there are designated smoking areas in many of the ships’ lounges. If the weather’s good, head out to the starboard outer decks for the views and a quick fix. A word of caution, if you do smoke where you shouldn’t, cleaning charges will be added to your account.

Costa Cruises

Costa Cruises may once have had a reputation for being very smoky, but now the main restaurants and show lounges are smoke free. There are assigned areas for smoking in the lounges and bars, and a plus for smokers is that some cabins are designated for you. If you like feeling the wind in your hair, you can also light up on the open decks.


Cigarette smokers will be pleased to know that at present you can smoke in staterooms and corridors as well as in the designated areas in most bars and lounges. Make a note though that The Bistro, inside the Lido Café, the Crystal Dining Room, Prego, Jade Garden, Silk Road, The Sushi Bar restaurants and the Galaxy Lounge are entirely smoke-free.

If you smoke a pipe or cigars, however, you are limited to the Connoisseur Club, and on the "open decks," except all areas of Lido Deck (deck 11 on Crystal Symphony, and deck 12 on Crystal Serenity).


Now pay attention and read carefully as the smoking policy varies from ship to ship! First the easy bit – smoking is allowed in staterooms onboard all three ships (Queen Mary 2, QE2 and Queen Victoria). You can begin taking notes now! All restaurants on Queen Mary 2 and Queen Victoria are non-smoking, whilst there are smoking sections in all restaurants, apart from the Princess Grill, on the QE2. Elsewhere, the starboard side areas of the public bars and lounges (where possible) on the QE2 and Queen Mary 2 are designated smoking areas. The Queen Victoria does have designated smoking areas in Churchill’s Cigar Lounge and the Empire Casino, whilst outside smoking is only allowed on the starboard side of deck 3 as well as the forward and aft areas of deck 10.

As for pipes and cigars, these can be smoked each evening in the Churchill's Cigar Lounge onboard Queen Mary 2 and Queen Victoria, and the Chart Room, Golden Lion and designated areas of the Crystal bar aboard QE2.

I hope you got all that – I might test you later!


You may not be able to smoke inside the cabin itself, but you can pop onto the verandah of your stateroom to indulge. Inside, feel free to light up within Sessions (Disney Magic®), The Cadillac Lounge (Disney Wonder®), and at the bar area in Diversions on both ships. If you like a bit of sea air, you can smoke on the open decks, except near Mickey's Pool.


You need to make notes again as the smoking policy onboard Fred.Olsen cruises varies slightly from ship to ship. You can smoke cigarettes in cabins (although the company does ask passengers to refrain from doing so when possible) onboard all ships apart from the Boudicca, which has non-smoking cabins throughout, and Black Watch where you can smoke in the cabins apart from the forward suites on Deck 9.

Like most other ships, all restaurants are strictly non-smoking, so make sure you get your fix before dinner in the bars/lounges listed below:

Braemar - Skylark Lounge
Black Watch - Observatory (portside) Lido Lounge (portside) and the Pipers Bar
Boudicca - Observatory (starboard) Lido Lounge (starboard) and the Iceni Room
Black Prince - Lido Lounge (portside)

Fortune favours cigarettes I’m afraid, so you’ll have to leave cigars and pipes at home as they are not allowed onboard.

Holland America Line

You’ll need to have a smoke in one of the designated smoking areas (available in most lounges) before having dinner or seeing a show as all restaurants and showrooms are non-smoking. There aren’t any "nonsmoking" staterooms, but non-smokers are assured that cabins are thoroughly cleaned after each cruise for your comfort.


An easy one to remember – you can only smoke outside on deck, so pray for good weather!


No smoking in cabins or on balconies, please, but join fellow smokers in the Cigar Rooms, the Casinos and one dedicated lounge inside. If you like watching the world go by you can smoke outside on one side of the sun deck.

Norwegian Cruise Line

Cigarette smokers have a choice of smoking in staterooms, balconies, casino or Cigar Bar (where available). Or, if you prefer pipes or cigars, you can head off to the Cigar Bar or designated smoking lounge. You can also smoke cigarettes, pipes and cigars outside on open decks as long as it’s not around the food venues, on sports decks or jogging areas, kids' pool areas and other designated non-smoking areas. Better check how big the open decks are!

Ocean Village

Being a UK company, this one surprised me a bit - smoking is allowed in cabins (including cabin balconies). Elsewhere you can light up on some areas of the open decks, in the casino on certain evenings and in designated smoking areas of one or two public rooms.


Cigarette smokers can choose from the forward starboard corner of the Pool Deck or the aft, port corner of Horizons, whilst cigar and pipe smoking is only permitted on the forward starboard corner of the Pool Deck. Anywhere else is out of bounds and be warned - anyone who smokes where they shouldn’t will be disembarked at the next port of call and may also be subject to additional fees to cover the costs associated with any damage to and the required cleaning of furnishings, verandas and surrounding deck and accommodation areas.


Another surprise – you can light up in cabins (including cabin balconies). Certain areas of the open decks and designated areas of one or two public rooms are also available for smokers. All other areas are smoke free.

Peter Deilmann

Another easy one to remember - as from January 2008, smoking is only allowed on the open decks on all Peter Deilmann vessels. Start praying for good weather again.


Princess is another cruise line where you can currently smoke in the staterooms to your delight or annoyance. As for public areas, smoking is not allowed in the dining rooms, other food service areas, show lounges or theatres. All other public areas have smoking and non-smoking areas.

Generally, cigar or pipe smoking is limited to designated outdoor areas at the stern of the ship, but there are designated cigar smoking areas inside too. For example, Coral and Island Princess feature Churchill's Cigar and Spirits Lounge, while Diamond and Sapphire Princess feature Churchill's Cigar and Sports Bar.

Regent Seven Seas

Notebooks at the ready please! From 21st December 2007 on Voyager, Mariner and Navigator and from 29th December 2007 on Paul Gauguin, smoking is not allowed in all suites, staterooms and balconies. All enclosed dining areas are non-smoking, but you can have a cigarette in designated areas of the outdoor Pool Grills. Other than open deck areas, the following are the only public rooms or areas where cigarette smoking is now permitted:

Seven Seas Voyager: Connoisseur Club, Casino, Voyager Lounge (designated area), Horizon Lounge (outside area only), Pool Bar
Seven Seas Mariner: Connoisseur Club, Casino, Horizon Lounge (outside area only), Stars Nightclub (designated area), Pool Bar
Seven Seas Navigator: Connoisseur Club, Casino, Stars Lounge (designated area), Galileo's (outside area only), Pool Bar
Paul Gauguin: La Palette (outside area only), Le Grill (designated area), Pool Bar
Explorer II: Smoking Lounge on Bridge Deck

Pipes and cigars are only allowed in the Connoisseur Club aboard Voyager, Mariner and Navigator, with cigar smokers having the added advantage of being able to indulge in designated area of the Pool Bar area aboard all four vessels.

Like some of the other cruise lines, Regent Seven Seas is taking a tough stance against passengers who don’t follow the rules – they will be asked to leave the ship at their expense, without refund or credit for the unused portion of their cruise. You have been warned!

Royal Caribbean

From January 2008 you can’t smoke in staterooms, although if you have a balcony or veranda you can light up there. Ignore this at your peril as a $250 cleaning fee will be added to the accounts of any guests who smoke or allow smoking in their non-smoking staterooms. On the plus side, depending on your point of view, there are designated smoking areas in many of the lounges and on designated open air decks.

This policy is across all Royal Caribbean ships from January 2008 with the exception of Legend, Rhapsody and Splendour Of The Seas, who will adopt this policy around April 2008.


Not many place for cigarette smokers to choose from as the Restaurant, Veranda CafĂ©, Restaurant “2” (inside and outside), main show Lounge (during performances and lectures), starboard side in the Observation Lounge and The Club, and the ship’s elevators are out of bounds to you. Saying that, there’s no mention of not being able to smoke cigarettes in staterooms.

As for pipe and cigar smokers, sorry to tell you that you’re limited to an area of the Sky Bar after dinner only.


Silversea is one of the slightly less restrictive cruise lines as smoking is allowed in cabins and you can smoke cigarettes in designated areas of The Bar, outside at the Terrace Café, Pool area, Panorama Lounge, Casino Bar and The Humidor (Silver Shadow and Silver Whisper). Cigar and pipe smoking is permitted in designated areas outside at the Terrace Café, The Champagne Room (Silver Cloud and Silver Wind) and in The Humidor (Silver Shadow and Silver Whisper). All other public areas, such as Le Champagne, Show Lounge and library are non-smoking.

Swan Hellenic

Short and sweet (depending on your view) – you can only smoke in the designated "smoking room" or designated areas on the open decks. Better check what the weather’s going to be like at your chosen time of year before booking.


You can smoke in your cabins, but Thomson (and non-smokers) would rather you didn’t. The main restaurants and show lounges are non-smoking throughout whilst the bars are divided into smoking and non-smoking sections.


As with many other cruise lines, smoking is not allowed in cabins or the restaurants, but, there are designated smoking areas around the ships, so all is not lost.


Smoking is not permitted in the cabins or anywhere else inside apart the Disco and at designated tables in the Sky Bar where you can have a cigarette. Meanwhile, outside on the open decks, cigarette, pipe and cigar smokers can join up although during deck buffet times smoking is not permitted on deck 7 aft around the pool or buffet area.

So there you have it – a comprehensive guide to where you can and cannot smoke on ex UK cruises. However, the above policies are subject to revision in order to comply with UK health legislation, the intention of which (when fully implemented) is that the smoke free provisions of The Health Act 2006 will apply to all cruise ships when they are arriving or departing from a UK port and while within UK territorial waters. We’ll keep you posted.

Article Source:

Quit Cigarette Smoking~Smoking Onboard – a Burning Issue

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Quit Cigarette Smoking~Smokers Really Want to Quit Smoking?

Quit Cigarette Smoking~Smokers Really Want to Quit Smoking?

If you smoke, you know how difficult it is to Quit Smoking. Have you ever tried to quit smoking but you have failed because other people around you still smoke?

Several people try to quit smoking, but most fail. Most people when they quit smoking decide to try to quit. Through monitoring of their environment and adjusting their quitting techniques it is possible for people at all smoking levels to quit.

However, if the smoker makes the right decisions, understands them and can open their eyes to the truth about smoking and their smoking behaviour, it is possible for them to quit. Until now, drugs that purport to help you quit smoking have largely ignored the root of the problem Nicotine -- the chemical that keeps you hooked to those insidious packs of cigarettes and unless you rid your body of that nasty chemical as quickly as possible the success of any Smoking Cessation treatment is reduced dramatically. As an ex-smoker and a former fatty (arguably!), I have found what I believe to be the solution to the problem. It is all to do with the decision. We may decide that we would like to quit smoking or that we would like to lose weight, but have we decided to commit to doing it?

Whatever affectionate of abdicate smoker access or analysis you adjudge on, you should consistently seek able admonition from your doctor who will be able to appoint for you the best medical analysis in accordance with your bloom conditions. When the smoker is assuredly able to abdicate smoker their activate spots will still be there. A absolute brainy attitude to abandonment smoking, accompanying with a acceptable compassionate of why you absolutely smoke will advice any smoker abdicate the habit.

You can help you increase the chances of being successful during your effort to quit smoking by taking a walk or talking to a friend when you crave a cigarette . Research by the American Journal of Preventative Medicine has found that, on average, less than seven per cent of smokers who attempt to quit smoking on their own, are successful in being nicotine-free a year later. Given this similar rate of regular smoking at adulthood, women tend to smoke 2 cigarettes per day less than men, on average smoking 13 cigarettes compared to men smoking 15.

The postponing method means that every day, you delay the time you smoke your first cigarettes a little later until you can go through the whole day without smoking. If you follow the advice in this article then it should make quitting smoking a little easier, despite the fact that your friends and family smoke. "We affirm that environmental tobacco smoke is a significant public health risk to young children and that parents need to know about the risks of smoking in the home around their young children.

It was not until the 1950s that the dangers of smoker were durably accustomed but tobacco companies are now accepted to accept gone out of their way to adumbrate these facts from the public. Polls accept apparent that the all-inclusive majority of the population, smokers, ex-smokers and non-smokers akin all belittle the dangers of both smoker and acquiescent smoking. A all-inclusive majority of bodies who try to stop smoker acquisition afterwards a abbreviate aeon of time they resume the habit, abounding are bootless artlessly because of the adjustment they acclimated to advice them stop smoking.

In conjunction with the stop smoking tea provided to help people keep calm and reduce stress a reason many people give as to why they started smoking in the first place or why they are unable to stop. If you think this is a little morbid, why not do some research on famous smokers or people in the public eye who have died from smoking related illnesses?

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Quit Cigarette Smoking~Smokers Really Want to Quit Smoking?